SABRINA BAUMANN is a graphic designer living and working in Munich, GER. Being rooted in the field of editorial design, her practice also includes visual identities and digital applications with a content-driven and systematic approach – most frequently in the fields of architecture, education, fashion, arts and culture.
2021/22: Deutscher Fotobuchpreis Bronze "Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen", Shift Books w/Michael Hengl; 2021: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher Longlist "Zu Hause. Architektur zum Wohnen im Grünen" Edition Detail for/w/Wiegand von Hartmann; 2021: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher Shortlist "Stadt, Land, Kneipe", Sorry Press for/w/Wiegand von Hartmann
SABRINA BAUMANN is a graphic designer living and working in Munich, GER. Being rooted in the field of editorial design, her practice also includes visual identities and digital applications with a content-driven and systematic approach – most frequently in the fields of architecture, education, fashion, arts and culture.
2021/22: Deutscher Fotobuchpreis Bronze "Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen", Shift Books w/Michael Hengl; 2021: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher Longlist "Zu Hause. Architektur zum Wohnen im Grünen" Edition Detail for/w/Wiegand von Hartmann; 2021: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher Shortlist "Stadt, Land, Kneipe", Sorry Press for/w/Wiegand von Hartmann